Zwei Konferenzbeiträge auf renommierter European Conference on Information Systems 2018 (ECIS) angenommen
Die Konferenzbeiträge “Don't Slip on the ICO – A Taxonomy for a Blockchain-enabled Form of Crowdfunding” von Gilbert Fridgen (Universität Bayreuth), Ferdinand Regner (Universität Augsburg), André Schweizer (Universität Bayreuth) und Nils Urbach (Universität Bayreuth) sowie „Insights into Personal ICT Use: Understanding Continuance and Discontinuance of Wearable Self-Tracking Devices“ von Arne Buchwald (EBS Business School), Albert Letner (Universität Bayreuth), Nils Urbach (Universität Bayreuth) und Matthias von Entreß-Fürsteneck (Universität Bayreuth) wurden zur Präsentation und zur Veröffentlichung im Tagungsband der renommierten European Conference on Information Systems angenommen.
Die diesjährige Konferenz steht unter dem Thema „Beyond Digitization – Facets of Socio-Technical Change” und findet vom 23. - 28. Juni 2018 in Portsmouth, England, statt.
Abstract zum Beitrag “Don't Slip on the ICO – A Taxonomy for a Blockchain-enabled Form of Crowdfunding”
Blockchain is rapidly evolving and there is an increasing interest in the technology in both practice and academia. Recently, a blockchain use case called Initial Coin Offering (ICO) draws a lot of attention. ICO is a novel form of crowdfunding that utilizes blockchain tokens to allow for truly peer-to-peer investments. Although, more than 4.5 billion USD have been invested via ICOs, the phenomenon is poorly understood. Scientific research lacks a structured classification of ICOs to provide further insights into their characteristics. We bridge this gap by developing a taxonomy based on real-world ICO cases, related literature, and expert interviews. Further, we derive and discuss prevailing ICO archetypes. Our findings contribute to theory development in the field of ICOs by enriching the descriptive knowledge, identifying design options, deriving ICO archetypes, and laying the foundation for further research. Additionally, our research provides several benefits for practitioners. Our proposed taxonomy illustrates that there is no one-size-fits-all model of ICOs and might support the decisionmaking process of start-ups, investors and regulators. The proposed ICO archetypes indicate how common ICOs are designed and thus might serves as best practices. Finally, our analysis indicates that ICOs represent a valid alternative to traditional crowdfunding approaches.
Keywords: Blockchain, Smart Contract, Initial Coin Offering (ICO), Token, Token Sales, Cryptocurrency, Crowdfunding, Taxonomy.
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Abstract zum Beitrag „Insights into Personal ICT Use: Understanding Continuance and Discontinuance of Wearable Self-Tracking Devices“
Wearable self-tracking devices become increasingly common in our society and reflect the trend to-wards the digitized individual. However, little is known what drives the continuance and discontinu-ance usage of such devices. To empirically analyze factors leading to continuance and discontinuance of wearable self-tracking device usage, we develop a conceptual model based on established post-adoption concepts and the dual-factor theory. We validate it by applying structural equation modeling on collected survey data among 357 self-tracking users. Whereas previous research focuses on pre-dicting continuance intentions, our results reveal discontinuance to be another decisive determinant of usage behavior. Additionally, we provide insights into factors driving continuance and discontinuance intentions and derive practical implications for producers. Our results advance the theoretical dis-course on IS post-adoption behavior in a personal ICT context.
Keywords: Self-tracking, quantified-self, wearable computing, information systems continuance, in-formation systems discontinuance, technology use, personal ICT.
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Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Nils Urbach