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Invitation to the guest talk with Prof. Michael Rosemann from Queensland University of Technology


We would like to invite you to an exciting international guest talk: Prof. Michael Rosemann from Queensland University of Technology (QUT, Brisbane, Australia) will share and discuss his perspective on "New Challenges and Opportunities for Business Process Management". The guest talk will take place on Thursday, 5 July, from 17:00 to 18:30, in Augsburg at the Research Center Finance & Information Management, Room 1201/1202 (in English). The guest talk will be streamed live to Bayreuth (details provided after registration).


Prof. Michael Rosemann is Professor for Information Systems and Executive Director Corporate Engagement. He is a disruptive thinker with a digital mind and a passion for corporate innovation (eco)systems and industry-academia collaborations. His work is focused on creating compelling future worlds with today’s possibilities that make current practices obsolete. Prof. Rosemann works in long-term collaboration with Prof. Maximilian Röglinger, both in Australia and in Germany. In this context, they recently released a new BPM Capability Framework considering the affordances of the digital economy.


Please register per Email to anna.oberlaender@fim-rc.de, first-come-first-serve principle is applied. 


Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Maximilian Röglinger, Anna Oberländer

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