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Fundamentals-Artikel zu Robotic Process Automation im Journal Electronic Markets veröffentlicht


Im jüngst veröffentlichten Fundamentals-Artikel „Robotic Process Automation” von Peter Hofmann, Caroline Samp und Prof. Dr. Nils Urbach vermitteln die Autoren die Grundlagen zur Anwendung von Robotic Process Automation. So zeigen die Autoren strukturiert auf, wie Software-Roboter aufgebaut sind und wie sie eingesetzt werden, um Prozesse zu automatisieren.

Der gesamte Beitrag ist als Open-Access-Artikel im Journal Electronic Markets erschienen und unter folgendem Link abrufbar.


Within digital transformation, which is continuously progressing, robotic process automation (RPA) is drawing much corporate attention. While RPA is a popular topic in the corporate world, the academic research lacks a theoretical and synoptic analysis of RPA. Conducting a literature review and tool analysis, we propose – in a holistic and structured way – four traits that characterize RPA, providing orientation as well as a focus for further research. Software robots automate processes originally performed by human work. Thus, software robots follow a choreography of technological modules and control flow operators while operating within IT ecosystems and using established applications. Ease-of-use and adaptability allow companies to conceive and implement software robots through (agile) projects. Organizational and IT strategy, governance structures, and management systems therefore must address both the direct effects of software robots automating processes and their indirect impacts on firms.

Ansprechpersonen: Peter Hofmann und Prof. Nils Urbach

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