Blockseminarankündigung WiSe 2019/2020: Emerging Digital Technologies (Master)
Die Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Strategisches IT-Management von Prof. Dr. Nils Urbach bietet im laufenden Semester für Masterstudierende das Seminar „Emerging Digital Technologies“ an.
The seminar “Emerging Digital Technologies” is designed to provide students with an opportunity to build up necessary theoretical and methodological skills needed to conceptualize, conduct, and communicate the latest insights on different Emerging Digital Technologies. The block course will familiarize students with the essential basic concepts on a specific topic in modern digital technologies. While selecting a new problem is a fundamental anchor for research’s relevance, a research’s ability to provide rigorous results depends on a toolkit of theories and methods. Therefore we will also address the fundamentals of different techniques and approaches in the block course.
In this context, theories provide the researcher with a sound basis by summarizing current knowledge and allowing for a precise investigation and definition of their topic’s underlying phenomenon. They also provide the students with a theoretical lens to investigate their problems from the perspective they are most interested in. Complementary to this, methods afford the student with the ability to produce reliable results, which allow them to derive both meaningful and trustworthy conclusions. This way, they can make sure that their results are not only entertaining but also scientifically valid. To apply the lessons learned in the block course, the students will write a “Research in Progress Paper”.
This semester we will focus on Blockchain technology since it has been a highly popular topic in research and industry in the last years. The block course will give a decent overview of the basics as well as the latest developments and therefore prepare the students for conducting meaningful research in this area. However, topics related to Blockchain are also very well suitable for the seminar papers, e.g., Self-Sovereign Identity or Platform Economy.
Präsenzphase: 28.-29. Februar 2020; 6.-7. März 2020
Forschungsphase: 8. März 2020 – 19. April 2020
Ergebnispräsentation: tbd
Die Vorlesung kann im Masterprogramm BWL im Modul B1-6 (Forschungsmethoden) oder Ergänzungsmodul sowie im Masterprogramm Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen eingebracht werden. Es bestehen keine Zulassungsvoraussetzungen. Austauschstudierende sind herzlich willkommen.
Die Seminarplätze sind auf 20 Personen begrenzt. Zur Kursanmeldung senden Sie bitte bis zum 15. Februar 2020 eine E-Mail mit aktuellem Notenauszug an
Die benötigten Unterlagen werden rechtzeitig im eLearning-Portal bereitgestellt
Prof. Dr. Nils Urbach (,
Johannes Sedlmeir ( und
Tobias Guggenberger (